Here at Shop*Gasm my sisters and I pride ourselves on finding the best quality fashion on the grid. Or at least, something damned close to it! Anyway, point being, we haven't seen much for men that really said "Ya know, I think a straight man would wear this" ... Because lets face it fella's, most of you either wear "leather" items that look pasted on, or the usual Jeans and a Tshirt. Nothing wrong with those by the way... but I like a little bit of a change now and again, as I'm sure you would too... So, I give you, +grasp+ -
I know, a lot of women know that +grasp+ has killer fashions, but quite a lot of men DON'T know they offer selections, and really well done selections, for them as well!! It's a happy shopping experience for both sexes since most items ARE available in both genders.
Why I LOVE +grasp+:
Simply put, They're consistent. I can always count on high quality texture and prim work. There's never a question of shoddy workmanship because they simply don't put out anything that isn't 100 percent complete.
Anyway, to sum it all up: Guys, If you like a mechanics jumpsuit type look, this is awesome, it features prim parts that make it look like you've tied the top part down around your waist as well ,so for you male dancer types, *wiggles her eyebrows* anyway.... I'll just leave you with the fashions:
Jumpsuit - +grasp+ - tsunagi/black
tattoo - CyberStar BodyArt Tattoos by Der Anton- Snake
hair - Akami - MADesigns Hair
Shape - John ~!STARE!~ Shapes by Talah Magic
skin - Craig Pale - *REDGRAVE*
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