UPDATE: 7pm EST, I logged into SL to find that Christel had passed me a FIXED layer. Thank you so much Christel for a fast response. I wish you all the best, and you showed me today why I am a fan of your creations. Great Customer Service. A++++++
As you all know I am a HUGE fan of Delirium clothing. They have some of the best urban gear in world for both men and women. CM and team just released their newest creation called “Storm”. While on the whole its an amazingly crafted piece (see photos), I am not so pleased at what it does to my skin.
The prim work is amazing! I paired it up with the Apple Hair in Henna from Maitreya $250L, and a nice pair of SoReal sneaks.
Now for the part that disappointed me, and yes I do realize I am being uber picky, but for those of us who spend a FORTUNE on skins and having a well put together avatar this was a let down. FOR THE RECORD: I will STILL continue to patronage Delirium cause I think their stuff is fantastic! however as we all know, sometimes things like this happen. With that said…..
In the first photo (which has not been touched up in Photoshop) you can clearly see that when the shirt layer is worn, there is a line across the lower half of my tummy. The little box shows a close up. Now I am not sure because something was not erased from the shirt template or not, either way, I thought I was losing my mind and was about to contact the maker of my skin when I had the thought… “What would happen if I took off my shirt?”. So I did, and you can see in the second side, that the line is no longer there. Obviously something amuck with this particular layer. As I said before, its really not that big of a deal, but it IS noticeable.
Just a little notice by a blogger who takes pride in putting her best pixels forward ;)
♥ Suite.
Delirium – Opps Oh My >.<
Posted by
Friday, July 16, 2010
I'm picky about that sort of thing as well! Is the shirt mod OK by any chance? If so, you can simply shorten the length of the shirt since it isn't full length and that should take care of the line since that part of the texture won't be showing anymore. If not, your best bet is just letting the creator know (if you haven't already).
did you ever contact the creator? this could be something they did not notice and can be easily fixed and sent out to all who bought this
I'm one to follow rules, so as per her profile I have contacted her GM, I have yet to hear anything. Sooo as I write this, I am about to send an updated NC to the creator since its been a few days. I will keep you all posted.
YAY!!! Christel sent me a fixed layer! All is well with the world again :)
Thank you Delirium!
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